
TeamSays uses Categories to derive insights from many questions.

The best way to use Categories is to break it down according to your use case. Let’s say your organization has a dozen of sales agents. The categories that could work for your team are Office, Perks, and Process.

Office category would be to ask questions like:

  • Are you satisfied with the office space?

  • Are you missing anything in the office to be more productive?

Perks category could have:

  • Are you satisfied with the kitchenette?

  • What perks do you need to be more productive in your role?

Process could have:

  • How satisfied are you with the compensation package?

  • What could improve your work?

  • What schedule works best for you?

  • Do you think we should have more or less meetings?

As you can see there are numerous approaches you can take with TeamSays and the Categories. Most important is for dashboard owners of TeamSays is to categorize questions in a way that has cohesive way of understanding underlying issues when the amount of feedback exceeds small numbers.